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To Suffer Success

This picture shows a series of large scale drawings I created live during a Good Friday evening service at Scottsdale Bible Church. I had approx. 5 to 10 min. to complete each sketch. The audiance of 2,000 were then able to look at the work close up as they left the service.

Even though I haven’t written much lately, I have… in a certain sense. A picture says a thousand words, a painting, at least a thousand and preparing a pictorial novel of this sort takes preparation. I will have a few new small paintings ready to post soon.

I've also been busy studying and learning how to play our new piano, discovering musical ideas, sorting footage for a new video project while working on the very large painting and its accompanying musical score (which is priority). This has been taking up a lot of the day. I covet more daylight; I covet more daylight.

During our travels lately I have studied some of the most beautiful paintings in the world standing inches from them. I have also sketched a lot lately. My purpose in the sketching, as I reflect on these works, is to practice and develop my sense of imagination as it is realized through the expression of the human figure. It is an exploration without spacecraft or drugs. But just as dangerous. Good art is dangerous. I wish never to be accused of producing boring or expected art. It should meet us in a familiar place as well as move us into new territory. We all love what is new, as long as we feel we gain this progression without a loss.

I lose a lot I will never forget it, it makes me a better artist. I only hope I don't start winning enough to make me a worse artist. The exalted will always be humbled.

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